Especially in the early years, new entrepreneurs may need to find resourceful ways, like renting temporary office space or using answering services, that make their company seem large and more firmly established than they may actually be.
(B) to make their companies seem larger
(D) so that the companies seem larger
to V跟so that不是都代表目的嗎?那麼他們兩個對決的時候,我該選哪個呢?
在這裡講述一下我對於此差異點的判斷模式。to V是GMAT正確選項接受的常見用法,so that也是。兩者句意相同,都是表「目的」。但是適用時機不同。
(1) "to V"片語
在這裡講述一下我對於此差異點的判斷模式。to V是GMAT正確選項接受的常見用法,so that也是。兩者句意相同,都是表「目的」。但是適用時機不同。
(1) "to V"片語
用to V的時候,需要找邏輯主詞,找的邏輯主詞會是其修飾對象(往前找「手段」,因為目的修飾手段」)的動作發出者。
(2) "so that"子句
用so that的時候,後面會補出一整套S+V。如果目的的這個動作跟手段是同一個人做的,則可以直接用to V,因為這樣邏輯主詞會是正確的。但是如果目的跟手段不是同一個人做的,那麼就無法用to V承接前面手段的動作發出者做邏輯主詞。這時候就必須要用so that結構,因為他會拉出一組S+V,這時候我們就可以點出目的的主詞是誰。
Tom kicked Mary to be angry. (X,這樣會變成Tom自己生氣)
Tom kicked Mary so that she would be angry. (O,補出不同的邏輯主詞)
Tom kicked Mary to take revenge. (O,邏輯主詞會抓手段kicked的動作發出者Tom,合理)
Tom kicked Mary so that he could take revenge. (寫法較冗長,單一句優於複合句,子句越少越好、結構越簡單越好,就跟he hopes to...與he hopes that he could的優劣之分一樣)
Tom kicked Mary to be angry. (X,這樣會變成Tom自己生氣)
Tom kicked Mary so that she would be angry. (O,補出不同的邏輯主詞)
Tom kicked Mary to take revenge. (O,邏輯主詞會抓手段kicked的動作發出者Tom,合理)
Tom kicked Mary so that he could take revenge. (寫法較冗長,單一句優於複合句,子句越少越好、結構越簡單越好,就跟he hopes to...與he hopes that he could的優劣之分一樣)
所以如果to V能夠使用的話,就不需要用so that另外開一套S+V的子句,讓結構變得冗長複雜。類似差異點設計的題目在此:
Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishableat first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.
(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable
(B) so gradual that they can be indistinguishable (答案A)
Often major economic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishableat first from ordinary fluctuations in the financial markets.
(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable
(B) so gradual that they can be indistinguishable (答案A)
Especially in the early years, new entrepreneurs may need to find resourceful ways, like renting temporary office space or using answering services, that make their company seem large and more firmly established than they may actually be.
like + N 表舉例,GMAT鬼上身??
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