2010年5月4日 星期二

改變句意? A選項變動就是改變句意?-節錄自GMAT曼哈頓

文章日期:2010-05-03 16:46

這一陣子很多人問問題用的解法都是"改變句意", 好比A選項有can其他選項不見所以錯? 所謂改變句意這招使用上還是要有所限制, 我是建議把這招放在答題步驟第五步.
Keep in mind the priority for SC:


If a choice violates proper grammar, it is WRONG.

Moreover, we can change the meaning of the sentence when the given meaning is clearly at odds with the INTENDED meaning. Remember, your job is not to preserve the meaning of Answer Choice A, but rather to clarify, if necessary, the INTENDED meaning. The meaning is not clearly expressed in A. Are the scientists really hoping "in their attempt"? Not exactly. Their attempt shows that they are hoping, certainly. In addition, "at cleaning" is the wrong idiom; we want "to clean" here.

1) slight changes in meaning are okay when we need to satisfy proper grammar.
2) don't get overly stuck on the meaning of A; it's the INTENDED meaning of A  that we're after. If A is unclear as to the meaning, we need to correct.