2011年5月9日 星期一

OV page 249 26題

文章日期:2011-05-08 15:59
※ 引述《sunny7733 (Sun98%)》之銘言:
: 發問 OV  page 249   26題
: 補習班上課還是搞不太清楚
: The Baldrick Manufacturing Company has for several years followed a policy
: { aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving}
: the efficiency of its distribution system.
: (A) aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving
: (B) aimed at the decreasing of operating costs and to improve
: (C) aiming at the decreasing of operating costs and improving
: (D) the aim of which is the decreasing of operating costs and improving
: (E) with the aim to decrease operating costs and to improve
: ANS (A)

: 我們的疑問是如果C去關代改分詞片語後變aiming at
: 我把“the decreasing“ 當作名詞  跟後面的improving the efficiency平衡
: 變成The Baldrick Manufacturing Company has forseveral years followed a policy aiming at the decreasing of operating costs
: and improving the efficiency of its distribution system.
: 為什麼這樣不行呢?!  到GMAT club上面有人說慣用法  有人說複雜動名詞跟improving
: 簡單動名詞不一樣,但是不太知道這兩者的區別。
: 我自己想到的解釋是 因為policy是被aimed,無法主動自己aiming,但是也不太妥當
: 請問不知道有沒有哪一位高手可以幫幫我們   謝謝!!
這點要特別解釋一下所謂working Verb的概念(在OG叫做Verb Form),在A選項後方的
at Ving+O是做副詞片語表達"在...方面"的含意,這種結構的Ving是表達動作概念,
所以decreasing是Verb Form,概念上像是動詞,但是C選項的at the Ving的the Ving是