2011年4月14日 星期四


文章日期:2011-04-13 19:12
※ 引述《sunny7733 (Sun98%)》之銘言:
: 來源 OV 2nd RC page 46
: A third demonstrated that, following the announcement of a prospective merger
: , the stock of the prospective acquiring firm tends to increase in value much
: less [ than does that of the firm for which it bids.]
: 從[than ..... ]後面的省略就看不清楚  我自己猜 that 指the stock, does 是省略the
: prospective acquiring firm tends to increase in value.
: 組合起來是
: than the stock of the prospective acquiring firm tends to increase in value
: of the firm for which it bids.
: 但是這樣也很不合語意  感覺主詞是不是有問題?? 想了兩天了但就是一直想不出是哪裡
: 出問題  雖然跟解題無很大關係  但是搞不懂很不舒服   麻煩高手指教
這是比較結構的句子,其實閱讀比較結構的句子,要是出現所謂的helping Verb,也就是

the stock of the firm for which it bids tends to increase in value.
這樣就知道是the stock of the prospective acquiring firm和the stock of the firm for which it bids兩個資訊在比value誰增加的多。