2010年7月5日 星期一


文章日期:2010-07-05 02:13
Dear A2,

下面這兩題, 在原文中能夠定位, 但卻選不太到正確答案. 想詢問A2 or 助教, 這題閱讀的幾點問題.

Q4~Q6: GWD32—32-34
     The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks dating back 440 to 510 million years, to the Ordovician period, and teeming with evidence of tropical marine life. This rock record provides clues about  one of the most significant radiations (periods when existing life-forms gave rise to variations that would eventually evolve into entirely new species) in the history of marine invertebrates. During this radiation the number of marine biological families increased greatly, and these families included species  that would dominate the marine ecosystems of the area for the next 215 million years. Although the radiation spanned tens of millions of years, major changes in many species occurred  during a geologically short time span within the radiation and, furthermore, appear to have occurred worldwide, suggesting that external events were major factors in the radiation. And , in fact, there is evidence of major ecological and geological changes during this period: the sea level dropped drastically and mountain ranges were formed, in this instance, rather than leading to large-scale extinctions, these kinds of environmental changes may have resulted in an enriched pattem of habitats and nutrients, which in turn gave rise to the Ordovician radiation. However, the actual relationship between these environmental factors and the diversification of life forms is not yet fully understood


Q4: The passage is primarily concerned with
B. describing an evolutionary phenomenon and speculating about its cause
C. explaining the mechanisms through which marine life-forms evolved during a particular period

Q5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the geologic changes that occurred during Ordovician period?
B. They may have created conditions favorable to the evolution of many new life-forms
E. They hastened the formation of the extensive dry regions found in the western united states

1. Q4正確答案中, mechanisms 指的到底是什麼呢?

radiation和major ecological and geological changes
這篇文章剛開始講生物多元就證據顯示是radiation這個因素, 但是作者寫這篇文章其實想強調其實在radiation中, major ecological and geological changes 才是主要因素, 注意本篇文章對比字眼although後面的主要子句會引出作者想強調的部分

但這個作者雖推論(appear to/suggesting)是major ecological and geological changes , 但自己也沒有把握證明關聯性, 所以留下最後一句伏筆:

However, the actual relationship between these environmental factors and the diversification of life forms is not yet fully understood

2. Q4的B, 文中說的radiations內容: marine life-forms evolution, 我能夠說它是種phenomenon嗎? 不是很確定B錯誤的主要因素為何?

這題我的答案是B, 因為整篇文章在討論到底是radiation中是否major ecological and geological changes引發生物進化

3. Q5的B為什麼是錯誤選項呢? 文中有說resulted in an enriched pattem of habitats and nutrients 也有說dropped drastically and mountain ranges不太清楚這兩個答案到底該如何判斷誰對誰錯. 由於在文中沒看到關於提到加速形成的字眼. 所以後來選了B但是答案是E...

這題我的答案是B, 文章推論不出 the sea level dropped drastically 會加速the formation of the extensive dry regions