※ 引述《s81712 (s81712)》之銘言:
: 因為想不太通B與C(兩個TOPIC比較相關的),
: 感覺ANS是C但是又不知道為什麼那邊會出現"碳",
: 還是我就別想太多了?
: ~"~謝謝大家的指教
: The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restricted
: by law. New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing
: expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions. These new
: plants could save money by installing instead less expensive cleaning
: equipment that chemically removes most sulfur from coal before combustion.
: Which of the following, if known, would be most relevant to evaluating the
: claim above about how new coal-burning plants could save money?
: A. Whether existing oil-burning plants are required to filter sulfur dioxide
: from their emissions
: B. Whether the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in a new plant is
: less than the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in an older plant
: ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 是否引起無關比較?
: C. Whether the process of cleaning the coal is more expensive than the
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^為什麼會是清理碳?!
: process of filtering the emissions
installing less expensive cleaning equipment --- could save money
答案B是無關比較,因為整個主角在討論these new plants要裝哪種equipment,和舊的
: 因為想不太通B與C(兩個TOPIC比較相關的),
: 感覺ANS是C但是又不知道為什麼那邊會出現"碳",
: 還是我就別想太多了?
: ~"~謝謝大家的指教
: The emission of sulfur dioxide when high-sulfur coal is burned is restricted
: by law. New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing
: expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions. These new
: plants could save money by installing instead less expensive cleaning
: equipment that chemically removes most sulfur from coal before combustion.
: Which of the following, if known, would be most relevant to evaluating the
: claim above about how new coal-burning plants could save money?
: A. Whether existing oil-burning plants are required to filter sulfur dioxide
: from their emissions
: B. Whether the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in a new plant is
: less than the expense of installing the cleaning equipment in an older plant
: ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 是否引起無關比較?
: C. Whether the process of cleaning the coal is more expensive than the
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^為什麼會是清理碳?!
: process of filtering the emissions
installing less expensive cleaning equipment --- could save money
答案B是無關比較,因為整個主角在討論these new plants要裝哪種equipment,和舊的