Journalist: In physics journals, the number of articles reporting the results of experiments
involving particle accelerators was lower last year than it had been in previous years. Several
of the particle accelerators at major research institutions were out of service the year before
last for repairs, so it is likely that the low number of articles was due to the decline in availability
of particle accelerators.
因果類型, 判斷點在the decline in availability of particle accelerators
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the journalist’s argument?
(D) Particle accelerators can be used for more than one group of experiments in any given year. àconfuse的地方: 如果accelerators 可以一次借給很多人 表示作者下結論的根據(decline in availability of accelerators) 錯了
這裡是用can這個字眼, 只是表達Particle accelerators 可以被很多實驗使用, 這是補充無關背景資訊, 因為可否被很多實驗使用仍然無法改變使用率減少的事實, 注意結論句的推論是從 particle accelerators at major research institutions were out of service the year before
last for repairs
(E) Recent changes in the editorial policies of several physics journals have decreased the
likelihood that articles concerning particle-accelerator research will be accepted for publication.
這是典型的他因weaken, 不是使用率減少而使文章數量減少, 而是因為 policies 的改變造成
An overly centralized economy, not the changes in the climate, is responsible for the poor
agricultural production in Country X since its new government came to power. Neighboring
Country Y has experienced the same climatic conditions, but while agricultural production
has been falling in Country X, it has been rising in Country Y.
因果類型: 判斷點在於An overly centralized economy, not the changes in the climate
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
(B) Whereas Country Y is landlocked, Country X has a major seaport. àconfuse的地方: 看起來像無關 但是也像”他因” 但是我認為選項沒有提到landmark和seaport對production的影響 所以覺得不對
(D) The crops that have always been grown in Country X are different from those that have
always been grown in Country Y.
argument判斷不是climate造成產量下降, 並用類比的方式證明不是climate造成, weaken答案要選是climate造成產量下降
D選項是以資料充分性的方式來WEAKEN, 概念是兩者本質不同, X和Y地的農作物是不同種, 所以不能用類比的方式作not climate的根據,
Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a person’s
body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells,
any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a
malaria-free region is not due to the malarial parasite.
因果類型的逆否命題: 判定點在於not due to the malarial parasite
Which is the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?
C. Many malarial symptoms other than the fever, which can be suppressed with anti-malarial
medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication is discontinued. àconfuse的地方:
(1) 是錯在時間嗎: WITHIN 120天 但是題目問的是120天以後就不會發病
不是, 結論句在討論fever的成因, 主角在fever, 不管其他的symptoms
(2) 一樣的問題~~答案選項有可能改成他因(沒有繼續治療) 生同果(120天內發作)嗎
D. In some cases, the parasite that causes malarial fever travels to cells of the spleen, which
are less frequently eliminated from a person’s body than are red blood cells.
注意結論句是個武斷結論句, 用了any這個字眼, 所以weaken有可能出現some的概念
這裡說 parasite 若透過spleen仍可能不受120天的限制, 讓人發燒, weaken判斷點not due to parasite
A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be
obtained only from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark
of 5,000 tree to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continued
production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction.
判定類: 判斷點在於must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(D) The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation.
否定判定, 對libora extinction負向的答案
(E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places. àE的錯點是你昨天歸類的哪一種呢?
補充無關背景資訊, 是否在inaccessible places生長和判斷點extinction這個議題沒有關係
Journalist: In physics journals, the number of articles reporting the results of experiments
involving particle accelerators was lower last year than it had been in previous years. Several
of the particle accelerators at major research institutions were out of service the year before
last for repairs, so it is likely that the low number of articles was due to the decline in availability
of particle accelerators.
因果類型, 判斷點在the decline in availability of particle accelerators
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the journalist’s argument?
(D) Particle accelerators can be used for more than one group of experiments in any given year. àconfuse的地方: 如果accelerators 可以一次借給很多人 表示作者下結論的根據(decline in availability of accelerators) 錯了
這裡是用can這個字眼, 只是表達Particle accelerators 可以被很多實驗使用, 這是補充無關背景資訊, 因為可否被很多實驗使用仍然無法改變使用率減少的事實, 注意結論句的推論是從 particle accelerators at major research institutions were out of service the year before
last for repairs
(E) Recent changes in the editorial policies of several physics journals have decreased the
likelihood that articles concerning particle-accelerator research will be accepted for publication.
這是典型的他因weaken, 不是使用率減少而使文章數量減少, 而是因為 policies 的改變造成
An overly centralized economy, not the changes in the climate, is responsible for the poor
agricultural production in Country X since its new government came to power. Neighboring
Country Y has experienced the same climatic conditions, but while agricultural production
has been falling in Country X, it has been rising in Country Y.
因果類型: 判斷點在於An overly centralized economy, not the changes in the climate
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
(B) Whereas Country Y is landlocked, Country X has a major seaport. àconfuse的地方: 看起來像無關 但是也像”他因” 但是我認為選項沒有提到landmark和seaport對production的影響 所以覺得不對
(D) The crops that have always been grown in Country X are different from those that have
always been grown in Country Y.
argument判斷不是climate造成產量下降, 並用類比的方式證明不是climate造成, weaken答案要選是climate造成產量下降
D選項是以資料充分性的方式來WEAKEN, 概念是兩者本質不同, X和Y地的農作物是不同種, 所以不能用類比的方式作not climate的根據,
Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a person’s
body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells,
any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a
malaria-free region is not due to the malarial parasite.
因果類型的逆否命題: 判定點在於not due to the malarial parasite
Which is the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?
C. Many malarial symptoms other than the fever, which can be suppressed with anti-malarial
medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication is discontinued. àconfuse的地方:
(1) 是錯在時間嗎: WITHIN 120天 但是題目問的是120天以後就不會發病
不是, 結論句在討論fever的成因, 主角在fever, 不管其他的symptoms
(2) 一樣的問題~~答案選項有可能改成他因(沒有繼續治療) 生同果(120天內發作)嗎
D. In some cases, the parasite that causes malarial fever travels to cells of the spleen, which
are less frequently eliminated from a person’s body than are red blood cells.
注意結論句是個武斷結論句, 用了any這個字眼, 所以weaken有可能出現some的概念
這裡說 parasite 若透過spleen仍可能不受120天的限制, 讓人發燒, weaken判斷點not due to parasite
A drug that is highly effective in treating many types of infection can, at present, be
obtained only from the bark of the ibora, a tree that is quite rare in the wild. It takes the bark
of 5,000 tree to make one kilogram of the drug. It follows, therefore, that continued
production of the drug must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction.
判定類: 判斷點在於must inevitably lead to the ibora’s extinction
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(D) The ibora can be propagated from cuttings and grown under cultivation.
否定判定, 對libora extinction負向的答案
(E) The ibora generally grows in largely inaccessible places. àE的錯點是你昨天歸類的哪一種呢?
補充無關背景資訊, 是否在inaccessible places生長和判斷點extinction這個議題沒有關係