最近在PTT上很火紅的gmatmanhattan, 很多網友問我評價如何, 因為我沒看過他們的書籍, 不方便發表評論, 不過我想強調一點, 作為一個高階GMAT顧問公司, gmatmanhattan真的下了很多功夫, 以下是他們對於一個簡單的"with"做了徹底的研究和比對
#29 in OG11 opens with "Along with..." (not underlined)
#V13 in the OG Supplement includes an option that starts with "With..." and in fact includes another "with..." before we get to the main clause. The GMAC's explanation of why this is wrong simply describes it as "awkward and wordy." Tough to know whether they mean that this is because the "with..." happens twice, or if its presence is a problem from the outset.
#V18 also includes an incorrect option starting with "With..." However, this time the reasoning is that the word "with" does not provide the right meaning for the sentence.
#V23 includes an incorrect "As with..." However, broken parallelism is the cited issue.
#V28 also includes an incorrect option starting with "With..." However, the explanation here does not cite this word as a problem.
#V68 includes and incorrect "Unlike with..." However, broken parallelism is the cited issue.
I couldn't find (on quickly flipping through) any correct answers that start with "With...", "As with...", etc. They might be out there, but I'd be somewhat surprised. There seems to be too much ambiguity starting out a sentence that way.
#V13 in the OG Supplement includes an option that starts with "With..." and in fact includes another "with..." before we get to the main clause. The GMAC's explanation of why this is wrong simply describes it as "awkward and wordy." Tough to know whether they mean that this is because the "with..." happens twice, or if its presence is a problem from the outset.
#V18 also includes an incorrect option starting with "With..." However, this time the reasoning is that the word "with" does not provide the right meaning for the sentence.
#V23 includes an incorrect "As with..." However, broken parallelism is the cited issue.
#V28 also includes an incorrect option starting with "With..." However, the explanation here does not cite this word as a problem.
#V68 includes and incorrect "Unlike with..." However, broken parallelism is the cited issue.
I couldn't find (on quickly flipping through) any correct answers that start with "With...", "As with...", etc. They might be out there, but I'd be somewhat surprised. There seems to be too much ambiguity starting out a sentence that way.
寫這些東西其實只是有些感慨, 很多台灣教GMAT的人真的過於自負, 不肯多花時間在研究GMAT這個考試, 心思都花在打壓對手, 抹黑敵人, 導致很多該考700+的學生考不到700+, 重點不是自己東西有多厲害, 自己程度有多高, 若學生無法運用還是沒有用. 重點應該是到底能不能站在學生的角度去解決問題, 有沒有對GMAT這個考試下過功夫研究, 純粹以教托福的角度解決得了GMAT的修辭問題嗎? gmatmanhattan能成為一個TOP的GMAT顧問機構, 他們的成功真的值得台灣的教學者深思.